A state entity in our country can never achieve that kind of efficiency because of some inherent issues such as political interference, mismanagement, corruption, wastage, inefficiency, indiscipline and lack of incentives. With whatever plans and restructuring efforts we have failed to produce any positive results in these state enterprises and all know they have the potential of becoming profit making institutions under right management
By Gamini Abeywardane
the occasion of the 45th commemoration of Phillip Gunawardena, the architect of
Sri Lanka’s Socialist Movement on Tuesday former President Mahinda Rajapaksa
echoed a popular socialist sentiment when he opposed the government’s policy of
divesting state owned enterprises (SOEs). He was critical of the idea of
privatization and advocated reforming loss making entities while they are in
state control. The idea is fine, but our experience is such ideas have not
worked under any of the past governments including his own administration,
despite much talk about converting such entities into profitable institutions.
On the contrary, we could see how SriLankan which was a profitable airline under Emirates management became a monumental loss under state control. At the other end is Sri Lanka telecom which had poor performance as a state entity which now has not only become a top performer, but has also revolutionized the entire telecom sector in the country after its partial privatization. Many
years ago one had to be a Member of Parliament or a top government official, if
one were to obtain a home phone line, that too after being in a waiting list
for quite some time. But now it is a matter of one or two hours and just a
phone call away – there are enough and more telecom players competing with one
another to come home and fix it.
Then take the case of garbage disposal and cleaning of the city of Colombo. Anyone would remember how untidy the city was with dumps of garbage strewn here and there, stray dogs often feeding on them while the municipality had a large number of excess employees among those dedicated to keep the city clean. It’s no secret that most of them were supporters of various politicians and many of them were drawing their salaries even without being physically present at work while attendance were marked through proxies. Now
as a result of outsourcing such work to well organized private sector companies
we see a clean city with garbage being removed on daily basis at the correct
time. These companies are no doubt making a good profit. It’s because they
manage their workers well and do the work with the minimum number of people
ensuring maximum utilization of the resources.
On the contrary, we could see how SriLankan which was a profitable airline under Emirates management became a monumental loss under state control. At the other end is Sri Lanka telecom which had poor performance as a state entity which now has not only become a top performer, but has also revolutionized the entire telecom sector in the country after its partial privatization.
Then take the case of garbage disposal and cleaning of the city of Colombo. Anyone would remember how untidy the city was with dumps of garbage strewn here and there, stray dogs often feeding on them while the municipality had a large number of excess employees among those dedicated to keep the city clean. It’s no secret that most of them were supporters of various politicians and many of them were drawing their salaries even without being physically present at work while attendance were marked through proxies.
Always there is a vast gap between what is economically right and what is politically feasible. Politicians themselves often do not have the necessary discipline to make these institutions work as they themselves are corrupt. As far as we see making state enterprises profitable under government control is a near impossible task with our political culture.
As already suggested by the current government this can be achieved by setting up a government owned holding company on the model of Temasec Holdings in Singapore or Investment Corporation of Dubai (ICD) with a mandate to consolidate and manage all government portfolios in state enterprises brought under them. It could provide strategic oversight by developing and implementing strategy and corporate governance policies for the long term benefit of the country.
It is vital to get the private sector into these entities, if we are to reform them in any meaningful manner. Without introducing good corporate governance and discipline they can never be reformed. How much of the shareholding should be divested can be decided depending on the strategic importance of each enterprise. It is understood that the state should have a greater say in certain vital areas, nevertheless it is futile to have that say if these enterprises are only adding burden to the economy.
is important to have a dialog on this issue and explain to the public the
gravity of the situation and the urgent need for reforming these entities, so
that all political parties can contribute by suggesting ways and means of
depoliticizing the management of these entities and improving profitability
without merely opposing reforms for petty political gain.
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