Amidst recurrent protests all over the country which are almost a daily occurrence, the question arises whether it will be possible for the government to undertake these vital reforms, especially, if they are going to take the neo-liberal path of privatization
By Gamini Abeywardane
Along with constitutional
and social reforms promised by the national unity government are all important
economic reforms. They are necessary for the country to face the future
successfully in the context of current global and regional developments. One
important aspect of economic reforms is the need for converting the loss making
state-owned enterprises (SOEs) into either profitable or some sort of
manageable institutions reducing the colossal burden on the state coffers.
recurrent protests all over the country which are almost a daily occurrence, the
question arises whether it will be possible for the government to undertake these
vital reforms, especially, if they are going to take the neo-liberal path of
privatization. Some institutions like the SriLankan Airline can be privatized
without much issues but privatization in more socially sensitive areas in the
current context could lead to massive protests offering much leverage to the
forces which are waiting to topple this government.
In the
government itself, there are divergent views on how to reform these
enterprises. The UNP is generally known to be in favour of privatization while
the SLFP is more cautious about privatizing the state ventures particularly
those which are strategically important.
However, the
SLFP in a major deviation from its traditional philosophy has emphasized the
relevancy of public private partnerships. One of the resolutions adopted at its
last convention said “Regarding loss making institutions, the SLFP’s position
was that they should be restructured, but the government should have a majority
stake when it came to public-private partnerships managing these institutions.”A model where the state keeps a majority stake is favoured in some countries in consideration of certain social goals – such as energy security, economic development or job creation – to be as important as profit.
Poor corporate governance
In this context full privatization will be difficult especially in strategic sectors like energy, utilities, mining and infrastructure. However, SOEs in Sri Lanka have a reputation for poor corporate governance, lagging business performance and being half as efficient as their private counterparts.
The roots of the problems are many. SOEs almost always juggle multiple or even conflicting financial and social objectives, such as keeping electricity tariffs below the market price.
talented people to work at SOEs is also a difficult task as the brightest and
best tend to go to the private sector, where pay is often higher. Meanwhile, political
appointments to managerial positions exacerbate the issue by limiting the
autonomy of the SOEs.
In the face
of these difficulties the best alternative will be to try and make them viable
while they are under the state control. The task is really difficult because if
they are to be made business oriented and viable, first of all the
politicization which is the root cause of the failure of these institutions
should be removed. De-politicizing these institutions is not possible without removing the political control of these entities. The state control inevitably leads to political control which means priority is given to finding employment for those who are politically or personally connected to the politicians who are running these institutions.
and competency which are necessary ingredients to make profit are hardly the
norm in these institutions and political control thus becomes the greatest
discouragement to the good and the competent employees. Meanwhile, the trade
unions which are close to the politicians are also given priority over others
and often they too have some say when it comes to day-to-day affairs of these
With these
political priorities profit making naturally becomes the most difficult task in
these entities and the idea of profit comes up only once a year when the treasury
has to pump in funds to make up for the loss. To make things worse even annual
reports are not prepared in time in most of these institutions even to find out
what has really gone wrong.
This is
definitely an indictment on the ability of the governments to run business. If
you look at the past such instances are many. The bus services that were once running
at profit under the private companies in the fifties became loss making
entities when they were nationalized and placed under the Ceylon Transport
Board. Profit making plantations became financially nonviable entities when
they were taken over by the government.
Losses were so heavy, after many years the government had to restructure
the plantations and give them to the private sector for management under long
term leases.
Then there
are other government owned businesses such as the Electricity Board, Railways,
Petroleum Corporation and so on which could easily become cash cows under
proper management, but which are causing huge losses under governmental
Even the
state institutions which are not making losses are not making the type of
profits that they should make. This
means that there are no adequate returns from the assets owned by these
institutions when compared to the private sector.
sufficient income for a growing population is a challenge for any government
and the situation becomes worse when the country’s resources are not
effectively utilized. That is why it is not advisable for any country to continue
to own loss making entities for long. Treasury absorption of the losses means
indirectly passing the burden on to the people and this unfortunately is not
understood by the majority of them.
private partnership is a fine idea. But no private investor will buy a stake in
a loss making entity, so the way to do it would be first to initiate the
process of restructuring such institutions. But, unfortunately restructuring is
often misunderstood as a first step towards privatization and therefore heavily
resisted by the workers.
Temasek modelOne way out would be to find a mechanism to depoliticize the management of these loss making institutions while they remain as state entities. A number of such enterprises have already been placed under the Ministry of Public Enterprises Development and it has also been reported that the government had looked at the possibility of forming a government investment company modeled on Singapore’s Temasek Holdings to manage state owned enterprises.
In 1974, the
Singapore government established Temasek Holdings to own and manage state-owned
enterprises and 36 companies directly managed by the government were placed
under its control. Today, Temasek is one of the largest SOEs which is quite
similar to a private corporation.
Temasek is
registered under the Companies Act and therefore is subject to all requirements
applicable to private businesses. It behaves like an active investor guided by
a strategy to maximize long-term returns. It should be noted that the
government refrains from interfering in Temasek’s business decisions.
state-owned enterprises under Temasek operate fully as for-profit commercial
entities, on the same lines as private sector companies. They do not receive
any subsidies or preferential treatment from the government.
The success
of Temasek model has also inspired Chinese leaders who also had the problem of
loss making state enterprises. Simply privatizing these entities
remains out of the question for China’s leaders. But, there were alternatives,
and Singapore provided one and over the years China has achieved tremendous
success in reforming their SOEs.
A model that has been well tested in Singapore and
successfully adopted in China cannot be bad for Sri Lanka. In a situation where
privatizing is difficult the best alternative for Sri Lanka would be to adopt this
model in a suitable way first and to go for public private partnerships when
the SOEs are developed enough to attract private sector partners.
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